| | | Last race information: (06:58 - 16 Jun '11) | Host: | LFS by LocalStrike | Position: | 2nd out of 9, doing 3 laps | Time / best lap: | 4:44.960 / 1:30.130 (2) | Track and car: | BL gp, FBM |
| | Total stats: | Travelled distance: | 1256 mi | Fuel burnt: | 738 L | Laps: | 251 | Hosts joined: | 819 | Races won: | 2 | Second: | 4 | Third: | 2 | Finished: | 30 | Qualifications: | 1 | Pole Positions: | 0 | Drags / Wins: | 19 / 5 |
| | Gp Rev - 3 sectors - 2.05 Ml | FZ5 | 0:36.460 | 1:43.230 | 2:43.760 | WR-diff +1:23.330 | 3 laps | 2.41% fuel | 24 Jan 2010, 10:21 |
UFR | 0:42.910 | 1:37.850 | 2:47.100 | WR-diff +1:31.980 | 1 lap | 2.15% fuel | 31 Jan 2010, 11:19 |
Historic - 3 sectors - 2.05 Ml |
Historic Rev - 3 sectors - 2.05 Ml |
| |